Learning Outside the Classroom
Maundene's LOTC Mission Statement
At Maundene, our mission is to deliver positive, fun and educational experiences that enable a sense of freedom for children to grow in confidence and learn new skills and knowledge, within and beyond the classroom. This is achieved through a range of activities that encourage children to support and respect for one another, their communities and surrounding nature.
Through our hands-on approach we aim to provide our children with the opportunity to develop an inquisitive and positive relationship with the natural world based around our school values. The children’s experiences support them in making decisions, making choices in their play and negotiating with each other. All of these opportunities aid their development, along with a deeper respect and understanding for each other and their environment. The outdoor experiences provide a relaxed and well-paced learning environment to benefit well-being, whilst helping to develop self-esteem and the ability to concentrate.
Our curriculum is designed to ensure that over the course of the year children experience both forest school and outdoor learning activities. The knowledge and skills taught in each term have been planned to ensure the best possible learning experiences are provided within each season.